Thursday, November 19, 2009

Polar Bear Plunge

Hello Parents/Guardians,

As I'm sure you've probably seen on the Y-ties information letter that went home a few weeks ago, I am co-chairing the "Shiver in the River" committee this year at Neal. This committee plans and organizes events to raise awareness for Maryland Special Olympics. One way we do this is by participating in the Maryland State Police's Annual Polar Bear Plunge. Since I'm co-chairing this committee, I also plan to participate in the event. Each participant is required to raise at least $50 for the event. Although the fundraisers we are planning at the school will probably cover the $50 for each participant, it would be great to raise more money for such a great cause. If you would like to help sponsor me in participating in the plunge, please visit my website at Thanks for your help with such a great cause!

Ms. Van Sickle

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