Thursday, October 22, 2009

Creating a Cooperation Quilt

Before we began assembling the quilt, we had to each decorate our own quilt squares. We wrote about how we can show cooperation.

Students worked in different groups to "sew" parts of the quilt together.

Then the groups came together to "sew" their parts together. The end product was a class quilt.

At the end of our project, Mrs. Manzano-Lee led us in a cheer for cooperation!

Blue Crab Pride Day

For our first Spirit Day of the year, we wore red, yellow, and blue to show our Blue Crab pride. As you can see, even Ms. Van Sickle came equipped with a crab hat!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Learning About Cooperation

Our guidance counselor, Mrs. Cavanaugh, came into our class to teach us about cooperation. She had this cool activity where we had to cooperate to put a puzzle together. We learned a lot about working fairly with other and giving turns. Take a look at the pictures!

"Animals and Their Environment" Assembly

Here are some pictures from our "Animals and Their Enviornment" assembly. We had such a great time learning about some different animals in the world! Thanks, Mr. Rubilotta, for setting up this assembly! :)

How to Post a Comment

Hello all. I've had some questions as to how to write a comment in response to one of my posts. I went in and changed my blog settings so anyone can post a comment. In order to post a comment, first choose which post of mine (which article) you want to respond to.

Under my post, you should see a link to "Comments." It will say how many comments have already been made. Click on this comment button. Then you will see a white box where you can leave a comment. Type in your comments. (Please be sure that they are positive.) Under the white box, you will see a "Comment As" drop down box. If you have a Google account, LiveJournal account, WordPress account, TypePad account, AIM account, or OpenID account, you can sign in using your username and leave a comment that way. If you don't have any of those, you can choose the Name/URL option. In the name box, please type your name. (You don't need to leave a URL address.) When finished, hit "Post Comment." You might need to type in a nonsense word to verify that you aren't a computer! :)

Hope this helps! Happy blogging!

Monday, October 5, 2009

New Month, New Character Trait

We have now entered the month of October, which means we are moving on to a new character trait.  During this month, we will be focusing on the character trait of "cooperation."  We will partake in many activities that will require the students to use cooperation in order to successfully complete the project.

Although September is over, the character trait of "respect" will still be taught and expected at school.  As we move into each new month, my plan is to teach the children how each character trait fits in with all of the rest.  This month, we will see that demonstrating cooperation is, ultimately, showing respect to those around you.

Check back often to see pictures of cooperation activities done in class!