Thursday, May 27, 2010

Spirit Day #8- Bedroom Slipper Day

For our final Spirit Day of the year, students were asked to wear a pair of their favorite bedroom slippers. Students (and Ms. Van Sickle) had so much fun walking around school in our cozy shoes.

National Zoo Field Trip

For our second field trip, we traveled to Washington D.C.'s National Zoo. Although it poured in the morning, the day turned out to be a nice one! Students were excited to see all of the different animals at the zoo. Each student was encouraged to visit the "Amazonia" exhibit in preparation for our upcoming unit on rainforests.

Here is an elephant taking a swim in a pool. He went completely under the water; trunk and all!

Splashing nearby people :)

Getting out of the pool to dry.

A monkey-like creature from the "Small Mammals" house.

Ms. Van Sickle in the "Amazonia" rainforest exhibit.

Mrs. Boney, Ms. Verras, and Mrs. Rison in "Amazonia."

A very cute panda bear :)

A zebra

Waiting for the bus to pick us up...

Blue Crabs Baseball Game Field Trip

For our first field trip of the year, we traveled to the Blue Crabs stadium to see a baseball game. The weather was perfect and the game was a blast! We really enjoyed seeing the Blue Crabs win the game, too!

Mr. Chandler's group of students.

Ms. Van Sickle with the same students.

Ms. Gross' group of students.

Mrs. Skinner's group of students.

Mr. Hall's group of students.

Ms. Hammond's group of students.
A view of the field.

Spirit Day #7- Team Jersey Day

For our next Spirit Day, students were encouraged to wear their favorite team jerseys. Some students wore football jerseys, some wore soccer jerseys, and some wore jerseys from a team on which they play.